press release


Statement of the Syrian non-governmental institutions on the...

To: Guarantor states of the de-escalation agreements International donors. Humanitarian Leadership. UN agencies. Syrian NGOs signing below received the news about de-escalation zones agreements between conflict parties in and around...

press release


Strengthening UN action towards ensuring accountability for war...

September 20th, 2017 – We, the undersigned non-governmental organisations, address collectively our calls to the international community to adhere to protect civilians across Syria and take concrete action to hold all...

press release


On the occasion of the International Day of...

[30 August 2017] – In a letter addressed and delivered today to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid bin Ra’ad Al-Hussein, local civil society and human rights organizations called for...

press release


International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances:...

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, commemorate the victims of enforced disappearances in Syria and support their families, urging the international community to support their demand to ensure justice, truth...

press release


Bassel Khartabil Safadi… Victim of the Military Field...

The organisations and institutions signing below are extremely saddened by the news that our friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil Safadi has been executed in the Syrian regime jails. We send...

press release


Rights groups condemn extrajudicial execution of human rights...

02-August-2017 – The family of Bassel Khartabil, a Syrian-Palestinian software engineer and free speech activist, confirmed that he had been subjected to an extrajudicial execution in October 2015. The undersigned human...

press release


Syrian activists on hunger strike to protest violations...

The undersigned partner organisations express full support to Syrian activists currently on hunger strike around the world to expose human rights violations, reported acts of torture and extrajudicial killings, which...

press release


The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of...

  The Conference of Jurists on The Use of the Military and Exceptional Courts in The MENA region. TUNIS 8-9 July 2017 The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of...

press release


Call of solidarity with MENA HRDs at IFEX25

We ask the authorities to stop their campaigns of repression against HRDs and civil society organisations   We, the human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa, and...

press release


Press release on UN investigations in Syria: “Crowdfunding...

Press release on UN investigations in Syria „Crowdfunding against War Criminals“ Syrian and International human rights groups want to collect €1.9m with the crowd4justice campaign starting today. The background: governments...