press release


Summary Statement on the recent offensive on Idlib...

The Violations Documentation Center in Syria has recently received many distress calls from the medical points and relief teams in the cities and towns of the governorates of Idlib and...

press release


Joint Letter from Syrian CSOs on the Human...

In complete contradiction to Security Council Resolutions 242 and 497; on Monday, March 25th, 2019, the United States announced recognizing the Israeli full sovereignty over the Syrian Golan occupied since...

press release


SCM signed tow Memorandum of Understanding on Efforts...

The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Syrian League for Human Rights and Accountability (SLHRA), and another with the Syrian...

press release


Open letter to Bahraini authorities: Drop all charges...

NGOs are concerned that, with Nabeel Rajab’s appeal hearing scheduled on 31 December, authorities may be planning to increase his sentence under cover of the world’s celebrations of the new...

press release


We remember Razan, Samira, Nazem and Wa’el five...

On 09 December, people around the world remember Razan Zaitouneh, Samira Khalil, Nazem Hamadi and Wa’el Hamada, kidnapped in Douma, Syria on this day five years ago. We, the undersigned human rights organisations,...

press release


Prominent Media Activists Assassinated in Kafranbel, Syria

The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) sends its deepest condolences to the families and admirers of the Syrian media activist Raed al-Fares and fellow activist, Hamod...

press release


Towards Accountability and Justice to End Impunity in...

We, the undersigning organisations, welcome the French prosecutor’s decision to issue  arrest warrants against three senior Syrian security officers: first and foremost Major General Ali Mamlouk, the Director of the...

press release


Torture in Syria: Investigations in Austria are a...

Vienna/Berlin, 13 November 2018 – The road to justice for war crimes and torture in Syria also leads through Europe. After Germany, Sweden and France, Austrian authorities have initiated an...

press release


The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of...

​Mazen DABBAGH Holds double nationality; Syrian/French Forcibly disappeared on the 4th of November 2013 Official documents date his death on the 25th November 2017 On the night of 4 November...

press release


French judges issue international arrest warrants against three...

Paris, 5 November 2018: In a landmark step towards accountability, on 8 October French judges issued international arrest warrants – made public today – against three high-ranking Syrian regime officials:...