press release


Bassel Khartabil Safadi… Victim of the Military Field...

The organisations and institutions signing below are extremely saddened by the news that our friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil Safadi has been executed in the Syrian regime jails. We send...

press release


Rights groups condemn extrajudicial execution of human rights...

02-August-2017 – The family of Bassel Khartabil, a Syrian-Palestinian software engineer and free speech activist, confirmed that he had been subjected to an extrajudicial execution in October 2015. The undersigned human...

press release


Syrian activists on hunger strike to protest violations...

The undersigned partner organisations express full support to Syrian activists currently on hunger strike around the world to expose human rights violations, reported acts of torture and extrajudicial killings, which...

press release


Call of solidarity with MENA HRDs at IFEX25

We ask the authorities to stop their campaigns of repression against HRDs and civil society organisations   We, the human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa, and...

press release


The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of...

As part of its commitment to defend the freedom of expression. SCM joins the International Freedom of Expression Exchange – IFEX. Montreal, Canada, June 15, 2017 – The Syrian Center...

press release


Joint Statement: The Security Council Must Vote Immediately...

7 April 2017 – We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the developments of the armed conflict in Syria.  The last development was the air raids against the town of Khan Shikhoun...

press release


Statement on the attack on the offices of...

  Summary of What Happened In the early morning on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, a group of people took to social networks, calling for a demonstration in front of the...

press release


Syria: Make Human Rights Priority of Geneva Talks

  Ending Unlawful Attacks; Access to Aid; Detainee Rights; Justice; Security Sector Reform +++ French Below the English Copy +++ (Geneva, February 21, 2017) – Participants in the February 23,...

press release


FIDH and SCM Open Letter to the Leadership...

  In the wake of yet more revelations of the grave violations of international law perpetrated in Syria and in view of the upcoming next round of UN-led peace talks...

press release


On the third Anniversary, Where are Razan, Nazem...

On December 9, 2013, a group of gunmen stormed the offices of the Violations Documentation Center in Syria in Douma, Damascus countryside and abducted Razan Zaitouneh and three other activists:...