press release


Anwar Al Bunni Awarded the Franco-German Prize for...

November 22, 2018 – The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) would like to congratulate Syrian human rights lawyer and Executive Director of the Syrian Center for...

press release


The Dabbagh Case: French judges Issue 3 international...

What are the facts behind the case? At midnight on 3 November 2013, 20-year old Patrick Abdelkader Dabbagh, an arts and humanities student in his second year at the University...

press release


SCM in partnership with UNESCO launches The Observatory...

[06 September, 2017] – Stemming from their belief in the constructive role of media and freedom of speech in peace building and standing against violence and extremism, Syrian Center for Media...

press release


FIDH and SCM Open Letter to the Leadership...

  In the wake of yet more revelations of the grave violations of international law perpetrated in Syria and in view of the upcoming next round of UN-led peace talks...

press release


No to Arbitrary Detention…. Freedom to Mazen Darwish

Human rights activist, journalist and president of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), Mazen Darwish, was detained on the 16 of February 2012 following a raid...

press release


Where is Tal Al Malouhi?

  Where is Tal Al Malouhi? The Syrian blogger who has been detained since 2009, was missed and held incommunicado after the approval of the Criminal Court in Damascus on...

press release


Syrian Authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Mazen...

The undersigned Organisations call on the Syrian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mazen Darwish, a prominent Syrian human rights defender and Director of the Syrian Centre for Media and...