press release


Towards Accountability and Justice to End Impunity in...

We, the undersigning organisations, welcome the French prosecutor’s decision to issue  arrest warrants against three senior Syrian security officers: first and foremost Major General Ali Mamlouk, the Director of the...

press release


The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of...

​Mazen DABBAGH Holds double nationality; Syrian/French Forcibly disappeared on the 4th of November 2013 Official documents date his death on the 25th November 2017 On the night of 4 November...

press release


French judges issue international arrest warrants against three...

Paris, 5 November 2018: In a landmark step towards accountability, on 8 October French judges issued international arrest warrants – made public today – against three high-ranking Syrian regime officials:...

press release


Mai Skaf … Leaves Silently in Exile “I...

The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) extends its heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of the Syrian actress Mai Skaf, who passed away on...

press release


Syria Is Losing her Knights Yahya Al-Sharbaji and...

The The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression SCM, with utmost sadness, announces the deaths of Yahya Al-Sharbaji and Islam Dabbas, who were confirmed to have been executed...

press release


Call for the protection of journalists stranded in...

Reports continue to reach us of the constant advancement of the Syrian government forces in the southern region supported by their ally Russia in an attempt to restore the remaining...

press release


A Joint Message from 54 Syrian Organizations on...

His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations H.E. Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights H.E. Mr. Vojislav Šuc President of the...

press release


Caesar Families Association: Another Step on the Long...

It is our conviction that justice is the solid foundation upon which sustainable peace is built, and that without justice, only violence and vengeance will prevail. Oppression, injustice and impunity...

press release


Arrest warrant against Jamil Hassan is a milestone...

Other states should follow the step by the German judiciary. Berlin, 8 June 2018 – “The arrest warrant against Jamil Hassan is a milestone and an important step for all affected...

press release


Statement of the Syrian non-governmental institutions on the...

To: Guarantor states of the de-escalation agreements International donors. Humanitarian Leadership. UN agencies. Syrian NGOs signing below received the news about de-escalation zones agreements between conflict parties in and around...