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27 / 02 / 2014

The arrest of Mazen Darwish… Two years of disgraceful contradiction

These days pass the second anniversary of arrest the journalist and human rights defender Mazen Darwish and his colleagues. While the Syrian government allege defense her citizens, Mazen Darwish and his colleagues are exposed to the harshest types of torture. And the judiciary refuses to interrogate in this. While this government boasted the reconciliation of… Continue reading The arrest of Mazen Darwish… Two years of disgraceful contradiction

These days pass the second anniversary of arrest the journalist and human rights defender Mazen Darwish and his colleagues.

While the Syrian government allege defense her citizens, Mazen Darwish and his colleagues are exposed to the harshest types of torture. And the judiciary refuses to interrogate in this.

While this government boasted the reconciliation of increasing numbers of armed men, It continues to arrest those who stood against all forms of violence and the use of weapons.

While the same government is demanding to expand the contribution of interior opposition, It continues to arrest the prominent, peaceful, civilians and jurist activists.

At the time that it is calling for dialogue between Syrians, It continues to arrest the Free Patriotic opinion owners.

While the Syrian government allege her adherence to national reconciliation, we find it continued to arrest societal safety valves.

While the Syrian government confirms on the principles of rule of law and justice, the journalist, civil rights activist and human rights defender Mazen Darwish is sued and stand before the Terrorism Cases Court?!!

On 16/02/2012 the Air Intelligence Forces broke in to the headquarter of the Syrian Center for Media and freedom of Expression” in Damascus.

And to this day, and despite all juristic and international appeals, Mazen Darwish, Hani Al Zitani and Hussein Ghreer still in Adra prison, completing their second year away from their families and their work. During these two years, the Syrian arena is emptied of the civil peaceful juristic voices, and the Syrian society is delivered to the calls of hatred, violence, militarism and the destructive war machine.

And it is worth mentioning that the Syrian authorities ignored all irrefutable facts on the fact of the arbitrary of arrest Mazen Darwish and his colleagues, as they hit the wall with General Assembly resolution of the United Nations No.67/262 ,dated 15 May 2013, named “The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic” which demand the release of Mazen Darwish and his colleagues immediately, And the decision of the United Nations expert organization which concerned in arbitrary arrest issue No. 43/2013 dated 16 January 2014, where it considered that as an arbitrary arrest and demanded the release of Darwish and his colleagues.

Mazen Darwish says in his speech directed from Adra prison on 10/06/2013:

May be it ended up in Syria today the worst of the worst nightmares, but could we give up the right to change our reality, and give up our legitimate aspirations in freedom, dignity and citizenship, and our duty to reduce inequality, and introductionmore justice to our communities. Because of all of these logos used as an ideology and a platform by despotic authoritative regimes and expiatory and violent movements.

Should we ruminate our experiences in Arab world again and again, that every time the despotism and corruption get married, they will beget only extremism, violence and terrorism.

Yes we want freedom, dignity and justice, and we deserve them. But certainly it is not the freedom of death under torture or slaughtered. It is not the freedom of death in an aircraft or a car bomb… It is the freedom of life based on participation and coalition between the global of human rights values and the privacy of situations and local social relations in order to reorganize a global human field makes life as a moral human experience, doesn’t belong to them more than those.

The organizations signed this statement claim the Syrian government to stop the trial of Mazen Darwish before the Terrorism Court, and demand the release of Mazen Darwish and his colleagues Hani Al Zitani and Hussein Ghareer pursuant to justice and stood for a series of contradictions that continue to this day. It also demand for dropping the charges against them. And it includes both of Mansour Al Omari and Abdul Rahman Hamada.

The Syrian organizations signed on this statement reject the continued arbitrary arrest of human rights defenders in Syria, the journalists and peaceful activists. And they demand the Syrian government to release all prisoners of opinion in Syria, and they demand an immediate disclosure of missed people fate and the fulfillment of its international obligations.

1- Etana

2 – Fraternity Center.

3- Soryat for development

4- Sawa network

5- The Syrian network for woman

6 -The Syrian League for Citizenship.

7- The Syrian Women’s League

8- Ugarit center for training in the field of human rights.

9- Violation Documentation Center in Syria

10- Justice and Development Center

11- The Syrian Center for Media and freedom of Expression

12- The Syrian Center for Democracy and Development rights.

13- The Syrian Center for Transitional Justice

14-The Syrian Center for Civil Society and Human Rights Studies

15-The Syrian Kurdish Center for Documentation

16-The Civil Society and Democracy Center in Syria.

17- The Syrian Citizenship Center

18-The Syrian Organization for Democratic Development

19- The Syrian Organization for Human Rights (Sawasia)

20- Kurdish Organization for the Defense of Human Rights and Public Freedoms in Syria (Dad)

21- Syrian activists Organization Documentation

22- The day After.