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18 / 08 / 2021

Human rights organizations commend civil society for forming a working committee to follow up on situation in Tunisia

The undersigned human rights organizations stand in solidarity with Tunisian civil society

August 16, 2021

The undersigned human rights organizations stand in solidarity with Tunisian civil society, following the decision of President of Tunisia Kais Saied to take unprecedented exceptional measures, announced on July 25, 2021. The organizations support Tunisian civil society organizations’ demands to the president, which include the prompt formulation of a “plan of action according to a clear and time-bound schedule,” in consultation with civil society, with the goal of “ending the exceptional situation” and “forming a government as soon as possible.” The undersigned emphasize the need to respect the principle of power-sharing, including the complete independence of the judiciary from the executive and legislative branches, while ensuring adherence to the principles of the republic, the civil state, and the sovereignty of its institutions. It is imperative to defend the gains of the Tunisian revolution,  including public and individual freedoms, while protecting the democratic transition and the system of rights and freedoms.

On August 5, Tunisian civil society held a meeting calling for a review and change of “unpopular and ineffective public policies”  that have been in force throughout the decade following Tunisia’s 2011 revolution and have “worsened the economic, social, and health crisis in the country.”

The undersigned organizations recall the historic role of Tunisian civil society before and after the revolution, which was acknowledged globally in the awarding of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet. In response to the crisis that threatened the state in the early days of the revolution, the four organizations of the quartet notably initiated and sponsored a societal dialogue that produced a roadmap in building a pluralistic democracy, which contributed to sparing Tunisia from the setbacks still suffered by other Arab Spring countries.

The undersigned welcome the decision of the human rights organizations that met on August 5th to“form a joint working committee to follow up on developments in the political situation of the country.” We hope that the committee will propose a new roadmap aiming to end the current crisis,  while sponsoring a societal dialogue on this proposed roadmap.

Signatory organizations

  1. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
  2. Syrians for Truth and Justice – STJ
  3. Syria Justice and Accountability Center
  4. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
  5. Dameer Foundation for Human Rights
  6. Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)
  7. Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research
  8. SAM Organization for Rights and libraries
  9. The Day After
  10. Taafi Initiative
  11. The Palestinian Human Rights Organization “PHRO”
  12. Union of Agricultural Work Committees
  13. The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
  14. Nadeem Center
  15. Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
  16. The Regional Center for Rights and Liberties
  17. Committee for Justice
  18. Association of Freedom of Thought and Expression
  19. Egyptian Front for Human Rights
  20. Aman against Discrimination(AAD)
  21. Libyan Network for Legal Aid
  22. Libya Crime Watch (LCM)
  23. Adala for All
  24. Supporter Organization for Human Rights
  25. Tamost Social and Cultural Organization
  26. The Tuareg Youth Organization for Dialogue & Debate
  27. International Arabic Organization For Women’s Rights
  28. The Voice of the Immigrant Organization
  29. 17 February Environment and Human Rights Organization